Revolutionizing Series Production with Stainless Steel 17-4PH (1.4542)

Binder Jetting Technology in Metal

Binder jetting technology is an innovative production method that has revolutionized additive manufacturing systems. It has paved the way for a wide range of materials that can now be used in 3D printing. One outstanding example is the use of stainless steel, which has brought about a paradigm shift in metallic manufacturing.


What is Binder Jetting?

At its core, binder jetting is a type of 3D printing technology that relies on an innovative process to create three-dimensional objects from powdered materials. Instead of melting the powder with a laser, as is the case with other additive manufacturing technologies such as Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Binder Jetting uses a binder to bond the individual powder particles together. This process takes place layer by layer until the final 3D object is created.

After the printing process, the unbonded metal powder is removed. This can be done by brushing or suction. The component is then sintered to fuse the metal particles and increase the strength of the final product. During sintering, heat treatment also takes place to further optimize the mechanical properties.

The combination of a relatively low operating temperature and the use of a binder instead of intense laser energy opens up a wide range of possibilities in terms of material selection. This means that materials that are sensitive to high temperatures can also be processed. This makes this technology a safe and versatile option for a wide range of applications.


The role of stainless steel 17-4PH (1.4542) in 3D printing

The 17-4PH stainless steel is a remarkable product available through Jellypipe. It has proven to be indispensable in the field of additive manufacturing. With its superior mechanical properties and thanks to high cost efficiency, it offers a robust foundation for use in metal 3D printing processes.

The performance characteristics of this stainless steel are impressive: a tensile strength of 900 MPa and an elongation to break of 25% testify to the material's high mechanical stability and resilience. It also has a density of 7.8 g/cm3, which makes the stainless steel an excellent choice for demanding industrial applications.

In addition to its mechanical properties, another reason for the popularity of 17-4PH stainless steel in 3D printing is its ability to offer consistent performance at both high and low temperatures. It also features remarkable corrosion resistance and is particularly easy to sterilize. All of these properties contribute to making 17-4PH stainless steel a preferred choice.


Advantages of binder jetting compared to the SLM process

A key strength of binder jetting compared to the SLM process is the significantly higher production speed. With the ability to print multiple parts simultaneously, this additive manufacturing process enables efficient use of printing time. This high throughput rate is a key advantage for mass production and significantly improves the economics of the process.

Unlike the SLM process, which uses intense heat to melt the metal powder, binder jetting uses a binder to bond the material together. This eliminates the need for high temperatures and minimizes the risk of thermal distortion and stresses in the material that are common with SLM.


Binder Jetting and Mass Production: A Perfect Symbiosis

It is often assumed that 3D printing is only suitable for prototyping and small-scale production. However, Binder Jetting proves otherwise. Thanks to its ability to produce complex components on a larger scale without compromising on quality or mechanical stability, Binder Jetting has established itself as an outstanding technology for mass production.

With materials such as stainless steel 17-4PH (1.4542), Binder Jetting offers impressive possibilities in various industries. Whether in the automotive industry, aerospace, medical technology, or tool manufacturing, Binder Jetting enables cost-effective and scalable production that goes beyond the capabilities of traditional manufacturing methods. With its combination of speed, quality, and cost-effectiveness, Binder Jetting paves the way for the future of additive manufacturing.


Applications for stainless steel 17-4PH

Stainless steel 17-4PH demonstrates its strength in a variety of applications. This robust material is ideal for manufacturing machine parts, spare parts, and tools. However, its potential uses go far beyond these basic applications.

Thanks to its high mechanical stability and hardness, stainless steel 17-4PH is particularly well-suited for demanding environments with exceptional requirements. In the aerospace industry, for example, high-strength components such as turbine blades and structural parts are made from this material. These components must withstand extreme temperatures and enormous mechanical stresses - no problem for stainless steel 17-4PH.

The automotive industry also finds diverse applications for stainless steel 17-4PH. It plays a key role in the production of engine components, transmission parts, and suspension components due to its high strength and durability.

In the field of medical technology, it is highly valuable due to its excellent biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. For example, it can be used in the manufacture of surgical instruments, implants, and prosthetics where both mechanical stability and resistance to bodily fluids are crucial.


Post-processing options

The possibilities for post-processing stainless steel 17-4PH after the Binder Jetting process are as diverse as its application areas. Although the parts already exhibit high quality after printing and sintering, they can be further improved and refined through various methods.

Shot peening can be used to create a robust, resilient, and matte surface that is excellent for applications requiring high wear resistance.

On the other hand, polishing allows for the production of high-gloss surfaces, which is beneficial for presentation objects or components that need to meet aesthetic requirements. Both processes ensure that the produced parts meet the high standards of the industry in terms of functionality and aesthetics, fully harnessing the potential of Binder Jetting.



In summary, the combination of Binder Jetting technology and stainless steel 17-4PH represents an exciting and promising direction for additive manufacturing processes. With its numerous advantages - from increased cost-efficiency and improved mechanical performance to the ability for mass production - it paves the way for a new era in the manufacturing industry.

3D printing is no longer just a tool for prototyping or small-scale production but a full-fledged manufacturing process capable of meeting the challenges of modern industrial production. It enables rapid and flexible response to market changes, fosters innovation, and enhances sustainability in manufacturing by generating less waste and saving energy. Binder Jetting technology and materials like stainless steel 17-4PH are at the forefront of this transformation, promising a future where 3D printing will play an even more significant role in industrial manufacturing.


If you have any questions about 3D printing with 17-4PH or any other technical topics, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and look forward to learning more about your project.


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Dominik Estermann
Chief Executive Officer

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